We all have doubts regarding how we will score in competitive exams like JEE, NEET, NTSE, NDA, KVPY, Olympiads etc. If you prepare well, these examinations can change your future.
Unison Institute being one of the top coaching institutes in Pinjore have the perfect method to test a student in the competitive world.
What is UTSE?
UTSE stands for Unison Talent Search Exam. It not only helps students understand how much they need to work on themselves but also prepares them in all aspects.
Exam Pattern:
The question paper includes a total number of 90 questions in which there are three sections of 30 questions each.
Section 1 is for PCM – Physics, Chemistry, Biology.
Section 2 contains Mathematics.
Section 3 tests your Mental ability.
Students have to solve these 90 questions in a duration of 90 minutes. So while preparing for UTSE they can easily speed up and overcome their difficulties of problem-solving in time.
Eligibility Criteria:
There are no such restrictions for students to appear in this exam as anyone who is studying between classes 5th to 11th can appear in the examination.
Scholarship to the meritorious:
We provide scholarships up to 100% to deserving candidates. The top three rankers from each class will get a full fee concession in coaching.
Wait! We appreciate not only toppers but all the other students for their consistent efforts. For students of class 10 promoted to class 11, we provide relevant scholarships to the top 500 rank holders.
So if you want your child to stand above all, promote a healthy competitive spirit, increase qualitative skills, and be more disciplined.
UTSE is for you!
Enroll your child now!
The Exam date is scheduled for 5th December 2021 on Sunday.
Unison Institute being the best coaching Institute in Pinjore believes that discipline and consistent hard work are important for life and we prepare our children in the same way.